Two transparencies are made from the this stunning original art work and sellotaped together to create a high definition positive for making a solarplate and quality intaglio printing.
This solarplate from Dan Welden has been over washed but gave me an opportunity to try a technique of laying ink into the etched area and cleaning top, then rolling up a second colour on the surface.
Married to Allison for 45 years, 3 sons, David, Russell and Paul. I have been primary school teaching in New Zealand for 32 years and for the last 11 years have been developing a Book Art Studio, Library, Art Gallery and substantial warehouse of printmaking equipment and materials. We have a Letterpress Printing and Bookbinding Museum that is a working collection. I have invented an A4 relief printing press and an A3 hydraulic printing press that I manufacture and sell throughout New Zealand with sales into 5 countries overseas. Allison and I have written, illustrated, set, printed, bound and published over 100 titles of artist books.